Amiga Arise | Awaken Faith, Heal Trauma & Find Purpose

Hola Amiga, welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast. I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. I am a Licensed Clinical Therapist with a trauma history of my own, but I was transformed by the call that God has placed on my life, and I am here to share how the clinical world taught me how to begin my healing process, but ultimately only God was able to heal the darkest areas of my past. I know you are tuning in because, Amiga, you are smart, successful, driven, ambitious, but yet there seems to be something missing. You don’t understand why falling short feels so devastating, why the small things bother you, and why you can’t find peace and joy? Amiga, welcome! I can bet you have walked through dark paths yourself, and maybe you are wondering if God is even real, or why anyone should endure such suffering, and what your true purpose is here on earth. Amiga, I hear you! But if you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life! Connect with me: Facebook: Amiga Arise Instagram: Amigaarise Email: Website:

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Tuesday Feb 14, 2023

Hola Amiga,
In today’s episode Bianca and I talk all about the ups and downs of being a single Christian woman in today’s world.  How to evaluate the posture of your heart when you are walking in singleness, how to maintain healthy boundaries in Christian dating, and knowing your purpose and identity in Christ! 
If you have been wondering what it looks like to walk in a healthy sense of singleness, then this episode is for you!! Listen in, and let us know your feedback! 
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
Interested in your own personal coaching program? 
You can now join my Accountability Coaching Program!
This Program Includes: 
Four one-on-one 45 min sessions
Weekly encouragements
Blind spot assessment 
Progress tracker
Fee cost of $247
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
1 Corinthians 7:34 “There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.”
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

Hola Amiga,
In today’s episode Dinaba and I talk all about the ups and downs of friendships.  What friendship looks like as a Christian, and how we are encouraged to be in community and friendship through our faith.  Maintaining healthy communication isn’t always easy, but having the touch conversations is always worth it for the longevity of relationships. 
If you have been wondering what it looks like to walk in a healthy friendship and how to set healthy boundaries, this episode is for you!! Listen in, and let us know your feedback! 
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program launching TODAY February 7th!!***
It’s a 4 week/ 21 Day Challenge to see progress in your own life!
This Accountability Coaching Program Includes: 
Four one-on-one 45 min sessions with me
Weekly encouragements pertaining to your specific goal/habit change
Blind spot assessment 
Progress tracker along the way to celebrate your hard work
You get all this for a total cost of $247
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
Last episode w/Dinaba:
Find Dinaba on Instagram @worthysoil and products at
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn how I heard my word for the year from God. Why discipline is such an important part of our faith journey and how we are able worship God in all that we do!  
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program launching February 7th!!***
It’s a 4 week/ 21 Day Challenge to see progress in your own life!
This Accountability Coaching Program Includes: 
Four one-on-one 45 min sessions with me
Weekly encouragements pertaining to your specific goal/habit change
Blind spot assessment 
Progress tracker along the way to celebrate your hard work
You get all this for a total cost of $247
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
Romans 12: 1-16
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn about the power of taking your next step of faith even if you have doubt.  We dive into the Story of Jesus walking on water, Peter’s faith and doubt in the midst of watching God preform miracles. We learn how if we take our own steps of faith on water, Jesus shows up, and moves in our lives! 
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program launching February 7th!!***
It’s a 4 week/ 21 Day Challenge to see progress in your own life!
This Accountability Coaching Program Includes: 
Four one-on-one 45 min sessions with me
Weekly encouragements pertaining to your specific goal/habit change
Blind spot assessment 
Progress tracker along the way to celebrate your hard work 
You get all this for a total cost of $247
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
Matthew 14: 22-32 Jesus Walks on the Water
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn about the power of prayer, where to start, and how to align your prayer life with your dreams and goal and allow God to move through you as you navigate the different seasons of life. 
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program launching February 7th!! A 4 week/ 21 Day Challenge to see progress in your dreams and goals for the year!! ***
This Accountability Coaching Program Includes: 
Four one-on-one 45 min sessions with me
Weekly encouragements pertaining to your specific goal/habit change
Assessment of your blind spots and challenges
Progress tracker along the way to celebrate your hard work 
You get all this for a total cost of $247
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
Matthew 6: 6-14
Mark 11: 24-25
Luke 11: 9-10
Music: Alice Gomez

Monday Jan 09, 2023

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn how to step into the New Year with awaken faith and a vibrant spirit.  Lean into the light that God as placed in us and align your dreams and goals, and ignite a fire that will burn all year and will not just be a fleeting moment of motivation.  
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program launching February!! It’s a 4 week/ 21 Day Challenge to see progress in your dreams and goals for the year!! 2023 Here We Come!!***
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn why writing down your goals is an important part of achieving success! Our brains are full of information, and it constantly trying to filter out the important stuff.  The more you write down your goal, the more the brain knows to focus on them! If you are ready to set healthy expectations for the New Year, THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU!!
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program launching February 2023!! Be the first to know and subscribe to Amiga Arise!*** 
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
Neuroscience Explains Why You Need To Write Down Your Goals If You Actually Want To Achieve Them.
4 Reasons Writing Things Down on Paper Still Reigns Supreme.
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn more about the history of the Christmas Holiday, how it began, where we are at now, and how we can navigate our emotions during the season. You will learn 12 Ways to Stay Present in the Season. If this season is a difficult or you get triggered by the environment around you this episode is FOR YOU!
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program coming out soon! Be on the look out! Be the first to know and subscribe to Amiga Arise!*** 
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
Music: Alice Gomez

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn more about the difference between Holiday Blues and Seasonal Affect Disorder, and what it means to walk out your life in the different seasons that come your way.  Winter is an inevitable season every year, so we can prepare for seasons of lows and highs.  So How Do You Navigate the Holidays with Peace and Grace, Even if You Feel a Little Blue During the Holidays? What does God have to say about seasonal depression? What does God’s Word bring In the winter seasons? What are God's promises and how can we stand firm in them with peace and grace, even when we feel a little down? Listen in this episode will detail all that out for you!
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program coming out soon! Be on the look out! Be the first to know and subscribe to Amiga Arise!*** 
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
What Are the Holiday Blues?
Music: Alice Gomez
Song of Solomon 2:11-12 “For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”
Matthew 5:1-10 (Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount)
1 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.
The Beatitudes
He said:
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,    for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,    for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,    for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,    for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,    for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,    for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022

Hola Amiga,
Welcome to the Amiga Arise Podcast! I am Priscilla Gomez, your host and hopefully an Amiga for a journey of learning, growing and thriving. 
In today’s episode you will learn more about the practice of grounding, and the technique that is used in therapy to practice becoming present in the moment.  I will share a quick and easy exercise to practice at home using your 5 senses to bring you to the present moment.  Grounding helps us orient ourselves so that we have a more mental capacity for next steps in our lives. 
If you are ready to take a deeper look, find freedom, and step into flourishing God’s way, I am here to lend a helping hand as you step into your healing and faith filled life!
I pray this episode blesses you, and if so, please share this episode with anyone else you think could also benefit from listening. 
***My own coaching program coming out soon! Be on the look out! Be the first to know and subscribe to Amiga Arise!*** 
Connect with me: 
Facebook: Amiga Arise
Instagram: Amigaarise
What is Grounding, 
Grounding Techniques for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Collins English Dictionary,
Music: Alice Gomez

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